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  • #484472

    Hi guys,

    I noticed our description/additional information/review tabs are missing/empty. When I look at the source code, all the text and images are there, but it’s not visible on our site. Do you guys have any idea what I need to do to fix this?

    Thank you,


    Hey johniem!

    Please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps. “Autoptimize” seems like the culprit.



    Yes, it seems like that’s it. However, I’d like Javascript to load at the end of the page, not in the head. Moving Javascript out of the head improves our loading time quite a lot. But when doing this, the site obviously doesn’t work like it should. Is there a way around this? What Javascript is responsible for the tabs? That way, I can exclude it from Autoptimize. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know! :)



    Please try excluding WooCommerce JS files from Autoptimize :)

    Best regards,

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