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  • #773637

    Hello Team,
    This is a kind of URGENT.
    We have purchased a second license for the theme but the Demo import is not working.
    Please suggest the best ASAP.


    Hey HickoryFlats,

    First off, thank you for using our theme.

    I need to check your dashboard and I know that you provided it on the private content, but I think that you forgot the website link to access it.

    Now, before it’s important that you check two things:

    1. Disable all the plugins and check if the import function is working.

    2. Enable your WP_Debug following this article: and check if some issue is showed.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hello John,
    Thanks for your response.
    We re-installed WordPress all over again. For the time being We are using a Free theme. Site was completely Fresh during installation, so no plugins or others were there.
    Site name is :
    Do you need FTP ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by HickoryFlats.


    FTP isn’t needed atm, can you tell us what demo are you trying to import? also the login details you gave doesn’t work, please check. We would like to import it for you, but would it be okay flush out any existing data?

    Best regards,


    Hello Nikko,
    Thanks for your response.
    The Basic Enfold Theme is what we are trying to import.
    This one –
    OR this one will also do –
    Yes, that might be wrong as we have re-installed WordPress.
    I am giving it here again.
    Yes, you can flush out data as there aren’t any serious things. If you wish you can keep the custom pages. Otherwise it’s ok.
    Looking forward to it.



    Sorry for the late response, I could verify the issue but there’s no error in the console and it shows the importing was successful which is a bit weird, can you give us ftp access also? so we can check on this further.

    Best regards,


    Here you go.We need to re-update the Data and menu quickly as soon as you are done!.


    Whatever you do, revert back to the old theme as it was cause we are working currently and it’s been showed to other people.
    Don’t just keep it like a sample page view.



    We tried to import the demo manually but strangely it failed to import the XML file.

    Also tried to create a new test admin and check for the issue but unfortunately, it does for all users.

    Defining a higher memory limit in WordPress and if possible increasing the memory on the hosting server should resolve this issue.

    To increase the WordPress memory limit please access wp-config.php file and add the below line

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    For a detailed explanation please check this link
    and you can contact your service provider to increase the memory limit.

    Alternatively demo data can be imported using XML file from Admin > Tools > Import > WordPress
    Make sure to check the option “Download and import file attachments” while importing.

    Please note this will not import the theme settings you may need to set them up and upload if any images are missing from backend once the XML file is imported.

    Default demo

    Please give it a try and let us know.

    Best regards,


    We have updated our Memory Limit from our Hosting Provider.
    Can you guys look into it now? Kindly do not delete any other pages.
    Look forward to hearing from you as it is a bit urgent!



    I`ve accessed your dashboard but we not allowed to access the Enfold Theme Options, just give us administrator permissions.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hello John,
    Please find attached.



    I’ve checked out your site again and it seems it does have some problem with xml since it does produce errors like Vinay posted which seems to be related to server settings. I have been able to import by compressing xml files to .gz and set your site configurations. It should be good now, the pages you have before are untouched. Hope this is good. Let us know if you need more help.



    Does it show up Demo pages properly? What server settings you think can cause this issue ?


    Ya, it shows up perfectly now! Hope there won’t be any problems anymore. Kindly confirm.



    Glad to hear that :) I don’t think that you will have any problems since the demo pages are already imported but I think you would still have issues importing xml files (probably because of server settings) I just found out that you had similar issues with:

    Best regards,


    Ok, let’s see what happens next.
    Thanks for everything so far.

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