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  • #1470442

    Hi guys,
    I get a cURL error 28 when trying to import demos…

    I can see that I´m not the only one with this problem…. What is the solution.
    I have tried the”How to manually import a theme demo” and I don´t get it…
    I made a folder on my server under uploads/avia_demo_files/ called restaurant
    I also had to make the folder “avia_demo_files” since there is no such folder under uploads
    Then I downloaded the from

    Unpacked it and put it in the folder uploads/avia_demo_files/restaurant
    Then i changed the the functions.php inserting the text below as you have descriped.
    add_theme_support( ‘avia_demo_store_downloaded_files’ );
    Saved the functions.php file and tried importing again… But no luck…
    I still get the cURL error….

    Please help!!!
    UPDATE: I have been in contact with my hosting provider and they tell me that its timeouted because the theme proberly is big. Can you tell me how big the restaurant theme is? Just to rule out that as a problem if it is’nt big.

    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by kennethls.

    Hey kennethls,
    Typically this occurs when the webhost blocks our IP our address, the images for the demo is only about 4mb.
    In this case typically uploading the images via FTP and then manually changing the import file to point to your site to import the images from your domain into your WP database and manually import the theme settings file, etc, should solve this.
    But to do this you will need to reset your site and your content will be lost, please install the plugin wp-reset and reset the site, then we can help with these steps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for replying
    I have now reset the site…
    Do Your magic :)
    And can You perhaps give me a howto, if I need to do this again so I don’t have to bother you guys?

    Best regards


    The import did not work as I planned, so I manually created your pages, please check.
    As you add your products and posts you can also add your images for them, as I know you will be changes these, but all of the other image placeholders have been added.
    Please note that I added the Avia Special Character Converter Plugin for the strong tags in the title elements:
    Screen Shot 2024 11 03 at 12.46.02 PM
    it is important to not use HTML in titles, but code like this:
    ###lt###strong###gt###Enfold Restaurant###lt###/strong###gt###
    Screen Shot 2024 11 03 at 12.49.00 PM
    otherwise you will see an error, read more about this here: Using special characters you may need to scroll down on the documentation page.
    In the future it would be best to use a webhost that doesn’t block our IP, or install the demo on a local host and then move the images via FTP to your site and manually edit the demo xml file with a search and replace for the image url’s with your own domain, the one othe host that I know of that blocks our IP is OVH, but they will not un-block us, so don’t use them. All others should work fine.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for all the help…. I’m really greatful!

    I think I get it now regarding making the website locally and then copy it to the host. If I understand it correclty, I need a virtual server with MySQL php etc. on my computer – Is that correct? And if so, can you recommend any?

    Best regards


    This is correct, in the past I have used Laragon on Windows it was easy and works out-of-the-box, I tried Xampp & MAMP but they didn’t work as well, you will need to set more options in the backend. But you should test what is best for you. After you import to a localhost you should export the theme settings at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Import/Export ▸ Export Theme Settings File to import into your live site.
    Another way is to build on the local host and use the Duplicator by Snap Creek to build your whole site from the local host. Careful, there was a fake clone on WP Plugins for a while, I have not checked lately, I think this is the right link.
    Shall we close this thread now?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for all the help🤘😊
    And yes, lets close it down…

    Best regards


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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