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  • #650313

    What are the steps to reproduce the green row with the three blocks overlayed with a thick white background?

    The demo site is :

    Thank you!


    Hi Derek,

    I’m not sure what you are referring to since you linked to the theme overview page, if you click Remove Frame in the top right hand corner of the screen you will be able to see the direct URL.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, this should make more sense using the right link:

    so look at this page, you should see the three boxes sermons, about and mission with a tick white border overlapping t he previous row which is green.




    That section was created with 3 1/3 column element with an image element and text block inside. Edit the first column then enable the “Custom top and bottom margin”. Add a negative value to the Margin-top field in order to replicate the “overlap”.

    Best regards,

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