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  • #1033218


    I will describe this as best I can. I hired a small company earlier this year to create my website. The company no longer exists, so I am now having to renovate and update the site with no experience. So far, I think I’m doing ok. I’ve reading a lot and watching videos and asking a shite load questions. I am in Germany and my site has both German and English. It was built originally in German and added English pages. I have only a few plugins, for language I am using Polylang.

    The issue at hand involves photos that appear and I cannot find them to delete them.

    The Media Gallery section on the backend dashboard has roughly 236 photos. No issue access them from any page.

    In renovating a page, I deleted all the old photo type elements – Mosaic, Horizontal, Slider, etc. Now, I add the Gallery element to a page and refresh it, then refresh the website (front end) and photos magically appear. I didn’t add anything. These are just a few random photos from the 236 photos under Media.

    Going back to the backend, I click on the Gallery icon in the page I am working on, a new window opens and the photos are in the far right ‘preview’ pane. I cannot delete them from there. I then click on Load / Edit to the far left of this window and another window open showing all 236 photos.

    To the left of these photos I could ‘theoretically’ click on ‘Edit Gallery’. When I do that, the window changes, there are no photos there, but I could upload photos from my harddrive. Seems to me these magically appearing photos should be there under Edit Gallery. No?

    So, where are the few photos this Gallery element is using? I cannot find them to delete them from the Gallery element! Maddening!

    Also, if I delete the Gallery element and chose another for example, Photo with Hotspots, Preview Slider Mosaic, or Horizontal, the same thing occurs but with different photos from my 236 and I cannot find where to delete these within this element.

    I could, delete all 236 photos and start over, but so much time was taken to scale and edit them properly and I don’t want to waste a day doing that as I paid someone.

    I am hopeful someone has a resolution.

    Best and cheers!

    ~ Hondo


    No ideas or suggestions? Surely someone has encountered such an issue before. I am really in need of some assistance on this. Thank you!


    Simply stated the Media Panels or Elements (not sure what these are called in English) under the Avia Layout is storing random photos and I can find no means to delete them.


    Duplicate Post
    Popup Builder
    The Events Calendar
    WP DSGVO Tools
    Yoast SEO

    I have deactivated and activated all. Seems to not be the issue.



    Thanks for the login details. I’m not sure I understand the problem exactly, could you try to explain where we can see and reproduce the issue? Screenshots and links directly to the page where we can see the issue might help as well.

    Best regards,

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