Tagged: child theme, copyright, footer, functions.php, options, Shortcodes
I would like to have just the © Copyright on my website footer without the mention of the Enfold theme. How would I do that? Please help.
So grateful,
Edit footer.php then find this code on line 85
$kriesi_at_backlink = apply_filters("kriesi_backlink", " - <a href='http://kriesi.at'>Enfold Theme by Kriesi</a>");
You can change the value:
$kriesi_at_backlink = apply_filters("kriesi_backlink", " - <a href='http://www.myawesomewebsite.com'>My Awesome Website</a>");
Or you can remove it.
Just add the following shortcode at the end of your Copyright line in the theme options footer section.
The full line will read something like this:
© Copyright 2013 - My Awesome Site [nolink]
Hi Gurmit,
Both of the above methods will work for you but the [nolink] will allow you to not modify the actual theme files which is often user preferred for easier updating later.
I read in footer.php:
// you can filter and remove the backlink with an add_filter function
// from your themes (or child themes) functions.php file if you dont want to edit this file
// you can also just keep that link. I really do appreciate it ;)
$kriesi_at_backlink = apply_filters(“kriesi_backlink”, ” – Enfold Theme by Kriesi“);
Can you write me code for functions.php in child theme for removing or editing of this line? Maybe it is totally beginner question but I am beginner in child theme options. Thanks for help!
If you aren’t comfortable writing a function, you can just add [nolink] at the end of your custom text in the copyright field in the theme options.
It works. Thanks!