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  • #1178108

    my website is steadily growing. That’s good but I’m not adding anything, so it is a bit strange. I discovered that there is 472,3 MB in the dynamic_avia folder.
    Why is it that much?
    Can I delete the contents whitout any risks?
    Can I stop Enfold from stuffing this folder?
    I read the topics about presumed problems with dynamic_avia, but I can’t find the anwers I would like to know.
    Kind regards


    Meanwhile it’s still growing. A few hours later is 575,4 MB!! Wow!


    I also noticed a weird url : https://www.leemshop.nl/service/?doing_wp_cron=1579876340.8983130455017089843750
    Has this ?doing_wp_cron=1579876340.8983130455017089843750 got something to do with this?
    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Leemshop.

    The message about ?doing_wp_cron is solved.
    It seems every time someone visits a page two files are saved in dynamic_avia.
    The files are : avia-merged-styles-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx—xxxxx.css and avia-footer-scripts-xxxxxxxxxxxx—xxxxx.js
    Everttime the same size.
    Kind regards


    Hi Geert,

    Did you check the option to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance? If not then please try doing so. If that doesn’t help then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Before this I already checked the option to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance! So it was deleted already.
    For now I disabled “CSS file merging and compression” and “Javascript file merging and compression” because that stopped the “stuffing”.
    Kind regards


    I have the same issue … Also stopped CSS file merging and compression & Javascript file merging and compression

    But offcourse that gives perfomance issues so please tell me what I can do …




    You are using an older version of Enfold – that should not make any problems.
    I checked your site and it seems to work as expected – I disbled merging again.

    If you check Performance -> Delete old CSS and JS files? the merged files are removed when disabling merging or saving theme options.
    If this checkbox in unchecked, files are kept when theme version changes or new js or css files are added to be merged.


    I could not login WP backend. And I would also need link to ftp server please. And the allowance to save php files with theme editor.

    We have another user with a similar problem ( https://kriesi.at/support/topic/map-dynamic_avia-3gb-large/, also with a .nl domain) and I would like to remove the timestamp from our file and check the server timestamp for the merged files ( I think, that the files get regenerated on each pageload – but as they have the same name they overwrite the old file and you do not recognise that ). But I’m not able to reproduce it on our servers and on my dev server.

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,
    the inlog url is below.
    Kind regards



    Thanks for the login.

    Please see https://kriesi.at/support/topic/map-dynamic_avia-3gb-large/#post-1179051 – there is exactly the same problem.

    What you can try to do is to deactivate all plugins in a dead time and check if there is still the problem with files being created (I reverted the php file back to display hash-xxxxxx again – so it will be easier to follow, disable merging options will clear all files).

    We will let you know if we find something.

    Best regards,


    I have HUGE problems with this also….also .nl domainname. My dynamic_avia folder is 121GB BIG!! I use caching plugins so I ‘listen’ to your advise and not delete old files. It says ‘ONLY recommended when you’re NOT using a caching plugin!

    Now nothing is working anymore. Also deleting old files via Performances isn’t working anymore. Please, which files can I delete manually??

    Many thanks and warm regards,



    Can I delete all files in the dynamic_avia folder?


    I did, except the php en css.

    First make a back-up.

    Kind regards



    @ALCOR we have the same problem on our website atm, could you tell me your plugins you’ve installed?


    Hi Leemshop and flanke7: Thanks for the comments. Flanke7, I use several plugins like WP Rocket Pro (caching), Admin Columns, Yoast, etc.

    I hadn’t acces to WP-admin anymore due to several errors, because the physical memory for the server was exhausted. Finally I solved the problem for my situation. Here is what I’ve done:

    1. Change Enfold Settings > See screenshot.
    I set CSS & Javascript merging and compression to ‘Disable’. I use WP Rocket Pro plugin for caching and in spite of the recommendation, I enabled the option ‘Delete old CSS and JS files’. (just to be sure.)
    Note: When I first had enabled this, and let the default-settings for merging and compression enabled, it doesn’t work for me. Enfold still created A HUGE amount of merged files automaticly: in my case even more than 50.000 (really!) avia-merged css- and js-files in the dynamic_avia folder, up to about 120GB!!! After deleting, Enfold created these files over and over again, until all space on the server was used and I was receiving several errors and couldn’t update the website anymore.

    2. Add code to functions.php – Just to be on the safe side, I added the following code to the bottom of the functions.php in my child-theme folder, as advised in another post:

    function my_custom_merged_files_unique_id( $uniqid, $file_type, $data, $enqueued, $file_group_name, $conditions )
    return 'my_stamp';
    add_filter( 'avf_merged_files_unique_id', 'my_custom_merged_files_unique_id', 10, 6 );

    This should accomplish that each created file has the same filename and overwrites the already existing one until your server returns the correct DB value that the file exists and Enfold can stop creating new files. (See another post.)

    3. I deleted ALL merged files in the dynamic_avia folder. (120GB) In my case, the following files remain: (leave them there!)

    • avia-gutenberg-dynamic-enfold.css
    • avia-gutenberg-dynamic-globe_theme.css (my custom name)
    • enfold.css
    • enfold_child.css
    • globe_theme.css (my custom name)
    • index.php
    • 4. After this, I updated the used Disk Space in DirectAdmin. (Click on the Disk Space-number in the right sight bar.)

      5. I still couldn’t login to my WP admin. So I disabled all plugins via my ftp client. Now, I could login to WP again and I activated every single plugin.

      I really don’t know if all step are necessary for everyone (probably not), but for me it worked out very well and all problems are gone.

      So, my website is up & running again! My dynamic_avia folder stays clean now. :-))

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by ALCOR.

    @ Enfold:
    Although my website is up & running again with optimal performance scores, I noticed a significant slower loading performance, only for the backend. Loading admin-pages and editing posts and pages is ‘slow’. Frontend, everything is loading fast end fine.

    Is it possible/thinkable that this has something to do with these dynamic_avia files and settings? Before, there were no problems and loading admin-pages went fast (as usual).

    Hope to hear something….



    : Thank you for sharing your experience and for providing a detailed explanation of the steps that you have taken to debug the issue. The compressed files will only load in the front end, so it will not in any way affect the dashboard. If you really think that the compression is affecting the admin, you can disable it for now and install a third party plugin such as Autoptimize or BWP Minify instead.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem.
    What I did so far:
    delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance

    Can someone tell me if the setting “Fix wp bug no unique timestamp” will help in this case?


    Hi @mariken,

    Yes, it will help. You can read more here – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/optimization/#troubleshoot :)



    Hi we are having the same problem, we are using a old version of the theme, and the dynamic_avia folder now is taking over 20gb, we need help to see if we can delete the files inside. I have changed the settings to not merge the css and javascript. we are not using a child theme. we are using a caching plugin wp fastest caché.
    I’m doing at the moment a backup of the dynamic_avia folder.
    We know we have to update the theme, but first we would like to fix this problem. any help or suggestions?


    Hi jr-music,

    I would recommend that you try to update the theme first of all, then activate the option to delete old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance. If that doesn’t help, then please open a new thread and include admin WordPress and FTP login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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