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  • #1405373

    Hi Support,
    We ran into an issue where in the site the default enfolds logo shows up, and some CSS issues and some links on the menus do not work. It’s not the caching issue since this problem occurs in the local environment also.
    Right now we are able to solve this issue by login in as admin and updating the page, which solves the issue for some time. But the issues come back after some time.

    Screenshot of the issues we face:
    Screenshot of how it should look like:

    Please help us resolve this issue asap.


    Hey actualizestudio,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    There might be an incompatibility issue between the file compression settings (Enfold > Performance > File Compression) and the cache plugin, or with another compression plugin that you may have installed. Have you installed any other compression plugin?

    You may need to temporarily disable the file compression settings, test a different cache plugin or disable the third party compression plugin.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    There is no third-party compression plugin installed. In Enfold setting file compression was already disabled. (
    We have disabled the Nginx cache. Should we disable Cloudflare also?

    Can you confirm if it is fixed or if this issue can re-occur?



    Glad to see that this seems to be sorted out, if you see this issue again I recommend disabling and clearing your Cloudflare CDN.

    Best regards,


    Hi Support,

    This issue happened again, even after following the step you provide in your comments. The website glitched CSS was broken, default enfold logo appeared and a bunch of elements aren’t loading/are loading incorrectly like this

    I have already shared the admin credentials above can you take a look at this and provide a permanent solution for this?



    We have activated CSS compression and it appears that the issue is no longer occurring. This is how the site looks after activating the compression.


    Best regards,


    Hi There,

    This happens again in my local environment ( Upon investigation, I found out about the logo.
    This function return false $logo_src = Av_Responsive_Images()->responsive_image_src( $logo_id, ‘full’ );
    Inside the responsive_image_src() for image src $img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $image_size ); this function is used.
    I have checked the database also in the upload folder the image is there but still, those functions return false.

    If we go even deep down the image src begins fetch from $meta_cache = wp_cache_get( $object_id, $meta_type . ‘_meta’ );

    when we go to admin and update the page it gets fixed Temporarily .

    We are not using any third-party plugin for caching. But in the local environment caching should not affect but I still end up with the same issue.

    I hope I was able to explain the problem. If You want I can share the backup of the site for you to check in your local environment.



    Thank you for the update.

    Is it happening in the live site? We can’t reproduce the same issue on our local and live installations, so it might have something to do with your local server configuration.

    Best regards,



    Our investigation revealed that The Event Calendar Pro was causing the problem. The Event Calendar pro hook ‘hydrate_provisional_meta_cache’ was conflicting with the enfold theme, where enfold tries to fetch data from cached data, and ‘hydrate_provisional_meta_cache’ this hook was passing the wrong data.

    We were able to fix this by using this code:

    add_filter( ‘update_post_metadata_cache’, ‘custom_remove_plugin_filter’, 99, 2 );
    function custom_remove_plugin_filter($meta, $ids) {
    return null;


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, and thanks for sharing your solution. If you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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