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  • #1406875


    I have a certain problem with ENFOLD which is difficult for me to describe, but i have a suspicion.
    For the moment I just want to know:

    when I look with phpMyAdmin at the database searching for the table avia_options_enfold, where the settings normally are saved, then the table is called
    because my OLD modified ENFOLD theme was called “art2023”. So far, so okay.

    Due to some problems I have deactivated this modified theme, deleted it from WordPress and the FTP.
    Then I have today installed ENFOLD 5.6.1, made my theme settings NOT via IMPORT, but made the theme settings all manually.

    Why is now at phpMyAdmin not a table avia_options_enfold, instead still avia_options_art2023 although this old theme is deleted from WordPress (multisite, it was active only at one subsite resp. the main site) and it was deleted from FTP.

    Yes, I selected the right database on phpMyAdmin 😉

    —> How can it be, when I look at the above database table afterwards, that it contain the old theme settings from an ENFOLD that is no longer installed (“art2023”)?
    –> or are in this database table only theme settings saved, that have been IMPORTED, i.e. not the newly manually entered setings?



    Hey BeeCee,
    Thank you for your patience, I asked the Dev Team about this and they said:
    The main options array from options page is stored to “avia_options_%” where % is lowercase theme name (or child theme name) – see enfold\framework\php\inc-autoconfig.php $avia_base_data[‘prefix’]
    If theme is deleted, the options array is not deleted, as there seems to be no remove handler when deleting theme.
    In my test a new WordPress install with Enfold adds avia_options_enfold to the wp_options table, and then adding a child theme adds avia_options_enfold_child to the table:
    These options are for both manual or imported options, removing the child theme doesn’t remove the table.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, I have re-installed the theme and now is the right table in the database, thank you for getting back to me.


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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