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  • #1211799

    Can edit my site – looks like back end is corrupted somehow??



    *can’t edit my site…


    Hi ruffidea,

    Can you give us FTP access as well? so we can inspect further on why the styles isn’t loading.

    Best regards,


    FTP posted in private box


    Hi ruffidea,

    I have added this code in your wp-config.php file and it has loaded the styles:

    define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );

    Can you allow us to temporarily deactivate plugins? so we can know whether this is caused by plugins or maybe something else as it returns Error 500 in the web console.

    Best regards,


    Yes – Please do whatever you need to do.

    Thank you.


    Hi ruffidea,

    I apologize for the delay.
    The problem seems to coming from your hosting environment.
    Every activation or deactivation of plugins or themes seems to cause critical error.
    I tried to disable all plugins except for Really Simple SSL, then switched to Twentytwenty the error 500 in the web console still appears and even switching from Twentytwenty to TwentyNineteen shows the same issue. I think it would be better to ask for assistance from your hosting provider with this issue.

    Best regards,

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