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  • #218255


    I was wondering where could I customize the text that is in comment form?
    I would like the text after “Leave a Reply” to be different and I would like an additional text after email* -> Your email address will not be shared.

    I also was wondering if there is any way to add a link at the top of the comment section that would guide people to the comment form.
    If there are more comments the form could get really far away and that can discourage people from commenting.
    Here: Marie Forleo has that link above her comment section.

    Another thing is that I have noticed that there is o much white space between the end of the text and the beginning of the form. Is there a way to remove that space?

    And lastly :), I was wondering where and how can I control if the “you might also like” section appears after my post. I don’t compleately understand how that works. :)

    Thank you for your help & I love your theme.



    Hi Lexie,

    To edit the texts, open /includes/comments.php and look for lines 166-167.

    You can add the link to the comment form in the same file too, try putting something like this around line 67:

    <a href="#respond">Comment form</a>

    This code will remove the white space (Quick CSS):

    #respond {
        margin-top: 0 !important;

    The you might also like gets filled with related posts, the relationship between posts is based on tags, you can disable it if you want opening single.php and removing line 52.



    Thank you. I will try that and I will let you know if it worked. :)


    We looking forward to hearing from you :)



    This reply has been marked as private.


    Open /includes/comments.php and look for line 172:


    Replace it by this:


    Change “Send” by the value of your preference.


    Is there away to modify comment.php and not have it overwritten when the Enfold theme is updated?



    You should use a child theme. Create an includes folder and place a comments.php file inside.



    Thanks as always guys!!

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