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  • #182003


    I’m really enjoying Enfold, thanks! :-)
    I’m trying to put up an “automatic” slider on the front page of our website:
    The idea is that it pulls certain posts and inserts the slides: exactly like the post slider does.
    Nevertheless, I’d like to have more customization options, such as transition effects, title and excerpt appearing on top of the slides (like easy slider or layerslider have).
    Which solution is the easiest & best?
    thanks in advance,



    Hi quike!

    Please go to wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes folder and open postslider.php file and find following code (should be on 334th line)
    cut it and paste it right above following line which should be on 359th line

                        $output .= "</div>";
                        $output .= '<footer class="entry-footer"></footer>';

    That will move thumbnail to bottom.
    You are going to need to hire a freelance developer if you really need to add transition effects as it is not that easy pull off.

    Best regards,

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