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  • #542389


    I need to adjust the formatting of the portfolio title and excerpt in the Portfolio Grid. How can that be done? Using Quick CSS?



    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by trojina.

    Hi Iztok!

    You can use this CSS to target it.

    .grid-entry-title {  }

    How exactly are you trying to style it? Send us a link to your page so we can take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.



    Hi Elliott,

    I would like to use Portfolio grid for member database – our action has over 200 members and I was thinking of having Portfolios for each of them, and then use categories to enable filtering. The problem is that Portfolio is very much based on images, whereas I’d like to have a small testimonial-like image and affiliation in the excerpt (so to have this preview on the first level) and a bit more text on the click.

    The problem is that currently the text in the excerpt is in italics and centred, whereas I’d like to use my own formatting (and for the title too).





    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .grid-entry-excerpt {
        font-style: normal;
        text-align: left;




    First of all, thanks for your help. I have another question about this. I created portfolios for members of the network, and I’, using excerpts to show their image and affiliation.
    My problem is that the excerpts do not have the same height when adapting to different screen sizes. Currently, the content in each exceprts has this pattern:
    <div class=”avia-testimonial_inner”><div class=”avia-testimonial-image” margin-bottom=”auto”></div><br/>
    <p>Smallcodes S.r.l., Firenze, Italy</p></div>

    I can establish a maximum character limit for affiliation but that doesn’t solve the problem. In addition, if I remove <br/> after the image and the affiliation name is short, the image goes over the bottom line of the excerpt (on larger screen). See for example the excerpt for Carlos Valcárcel Riveiro. I can add <br/> after the affiliation, but that still doesn’t always solve the problem.

    Is there any elegant solution to solving this problem?





    you can control length of Wordpres’ excerpt by using this code in functions.php:

    function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    	return 20;
    add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'custom_excerpt_length', 999 );

    while 20 is the number of Words. Adjust it as needed.

    Best regards,



    This doesn’t work in my case, the excerpts remain the same length, even if I set the value to 3 words.

    Also, will this really solve my problem with displaying excerpts of same size (height) in different columns? Please see the link I sent you.





    now I get what you mean I think. Screenshots would have helped from the beginning on.
    Try to define a fix height value for all columns:

    .grid-content {
    height: 228px;




    Yes, this works. The only problem I’m left with is the awkward breaking of text – to recreate this, first see the full screen and then reduce the width of the screen size gradually. The text in various boxes starts breaking differently and creates all sorts of issues.
    What I was thinking about is whether I could fix the width of each excerpt box or something and then have columns readjust as soon as the that is affected. For example, I would start with 4 and then once the breaks would get awkward, there would be 3 columns, then 2 etc. Currently, something similar to that happens, but the columns are always divided by 2 – so 4 to 2 and 2 to 1.

    I tried putting the first three excerpts in a table, and it works to some extent, the only unwanted effect is that the image gets squashed together if I reduce the screen width.





    screenshots would help as already said, to make things clear for us. I can’t see any issues when reducing browser size.

    You could try to add a width value into my code.




    I attach the links to screenshots. I tried using width to fix the size of excerpt box, but then parts of the text are missing, and even borders of excerpt boxes sometimes disappear.

    As I said, putting image and text within a table (two columns) is the closest I can get to the solution, the only negative aspect there is the flattened image.





    use this code in Quick CSS field:

    .avia-testimonial-image {
    width: 60px;
    max-width: 60px;
    height: auto;
    margin-bottom: 61px;

    and adjust width and max-width value as needed. Make sure that margin-bottom is higher than your width value.

    Hope this helps!




    This works for me now, but I need to use 3 columns and not 4 (that’s something I can live with).

    When I tested everything, I ran into another problem, or better yet, two of them:
    a) when showing portfolio excerpts on several pages, only active categories for a certain page are displayed, even if the option “Yes, show the sort options” is selected. For example, if people are listed according to different countries, only the countries of people on a particular page are offered for sorting. I would like to have ALL categories displayed all the time, as is done for example in Accordion. There have been similar reports and already some proposed solution (e.g. https://kriesi.at/support/topic/portfolio-and-post-navigation-issues/), but I’m not sure which one, and how, applies to my case.
    b) I’m not sure how to structure categories if I want to use Portfolio grid on several different pages. For example, I have a page for all the members of the Action, but then I have subpages for individual Working Groups. So in a certain Working Group, there are only 40 out of 230 members, but I would still like to be able to show the sorting option for Countries. However, if I choose Countries, other members from those countries are automatically added. Do I thus need to add Countries to my taxonomy in each of the Working Groups? So the taxonomy would be:

    All members
    Working group1
    Working group2
    Working group2





    a) not sure what you mean. Can you provide us precise links where we can see the issue please? and highlight what’s going using screenshots please (imgur.com, dropbox). However, I think you would need to contact a freelance developer for this kind of customization.

    b) Quite difficult for us to imagine what you are describing. It would be best for us to show visual material, to make things clear for us. Please us a precise link where we can see what you are talking about and add screenshots to highlight your intentions.

    Best regards,


    i need your help to customize the titles below the images in the grid portfolio.
    Is it possible to change the text’s font and the text in bold?

    Below the link:

    Thnak you


    Hi Marco,

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab

    #top #wrap_all h3.grid-entry-title {
        font-weight: bold;

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    thank you for your quick ansewr but it does’t work.
    I still see the text below the products not in bold :-(
    Could you please help me again?

    Thank you


    Hey Marco,

    Please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum – https://kriesi.at/support/forum/enfold#new-post and attach temporary admin logins in private content field so we can look into it.

    Since this thread is pretty old, i am going to close this one :)


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