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  • #190849

    I am using the following code that I found on the net, in functions.php of my enfold-child theme..

    function some_callback($data){
        global $post;
    	if(!is_page()) return $data;
        return 'HELLO ' . $post->ID . ' - ' . $data;

    This does change the title, but it also changes the titles in the breadcrumbs too. Is there a way for this to only affect the title in the h1 tag on the page? Or another method/plugin?

    Ultimately all I need to do is change the h1 titles on a handful of pages, I don’t mind hard coding them in functions.php


    Hi elp!

    Use is_page inside that function to filter certain pages only (ID):

    function some_callback($data){
        global $post;
        	return $data;
    	    return 'HELLO ' . $post->ID . ' - ' . $data;

    You can also pass an array to is_page(), ex: is_page(array(23, 32));




    Just to follow up and share what actually worked for me.. I used a long & friendly title for the page, then I overrode the text for the breadcrumbs.

    add_filter('the_title', 'enfold_child_the_title');
    function enfold_child_the_title($data){
        global $post;
    		// NOTE: check if $data has already been changed to the menu text
    		if (!($data === $post->post_title)) return $data;
    		switch ($post->post_name) {
    			case 'myslug': return 'My Short Title';
    			// etc..
    	return $data;
    function is_in_function($functionName)
    	foreach (debug_backtrace() as $k => $v) { 
    		if ($k < 2) continue; // ignore self & caller
    		if ($v['function'] === $functionName) return true;
    	return false;
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