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  • #939949


    1. How do I reduce or remove white space padding around the search bar?
    2. How do I change the color of the search submit icon button?


    please see this sample


    any help?


    Hi tacast,

    Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Sorry. Correct link is below.


    Hi tacast,

    This room around the search input is defined in your quick css, you just need to set that code to 0;
    Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 18.14.36.jpg This code seems to be coming from quick css as well, you can change the color in that rule.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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