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  • #1416620

    Hello :)
    Is it possible to add a (publicly visible) custom field (e.g. public contact information) to the comments section of Enfold? I would like users to be able to contact each other.
    Thanks for any help in advance!


    Hey Fabian,
    You could modify the file at enfold/includes/loop-comments.php and add this line <div class="comment_author_email"><?php comment_author_email(); ?></div> on line 28:
    but you won’t be able to add this to your child theme, so you will need to make this change each time that you update.
    The WordPress Developer Resources advises against making the email publicity visible to assure that email harvesters do not capture your commenter’s email address as most assume that their email address will not appear in raw form on the site.
    Perhaps using a plugin to allow commenters to engage with each other would be better, such as wpDiscuz, a quick look at this seems to allow users this ability, or perhaps Disqus Comment System or Vuukle Comments
    I don’t have any experience with any of these but there seems to be many comment form replacements that allow better engagements, using a plugin would be better as they would have worked out any loop holes the bad bots would use against your visitors information, which could be an issue.

    Best regards,

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