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  • #539062

    Hi there,

    I have recently migrated my site to another host. After the transfer the css and js files do not load correctly (or at all). My host support says that the theme still seems to link to the old domain. Where do I fix this, so it points to the new domain?

    In his words:
    “The theme could be doing that, or cached content. I suggest flushing all caches from the modules that provide such feature. W3 Total Cache is also referring to the dev domain so you should go in and fix every occurrence of the dev domain there. Wherever you manage your chosen theme might also need some editing as well.”

    Thank you for helping



    Hey Emilvillumsen!

    You probaby forgot to change your site URL before moving the database. Please read this for how to move a WordPress site, https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress.


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