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  • #388319

    What is status on Enfold theme translation into Croatian? I have found in support forum a few members mentioning they will submit their .po and .mo files, but can´t find any that come default with the theme. Does this mean submitted translation was incomplete or nothing was submitted yet? I think it would be better to have even a partial translation than no translation at all.


    Hey tcar984!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Unfortunately, there is no available translation yet for the croatian language. No one has volunteered to do the translation. Any language files that are available can be found here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/please-contribute-and-translate-enfold

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for fast response. My case is that I don’t need complete Enfold theme translation nor I need it to be dynamically switchable (e.g. using WPML plugin). I need only to translate parts that appear in front end (under 50 lines). After experimenting with both codestyling-localization plug-in and poedit, I have found out that this can be achieved only by modifying existing .po files. The problem is that I cannot find .po files for default language for Enfold theme or WordPress, but only for additionally installed languages. Could you tell me where to locate files used for default language so I could make changes directly on them?

    Best regards,


    Hi Tihomir!

    Have you tried with the enfold.pot file? as far as i know you should be able to do all this process (scan, create .po file, translate and generate .mo file) within the translator tool (codestyling or poedit).



    Hi Josue,

    that was first thing I tried, but for some reason I was constantly getting errors and everything remained in English. Never mind, I have found a workaround that fits to my needs perfectly. I´ll describe it here in case anyone else has similar needs.

    1. install English (UK in my case as default was US) for WordPress admin backend (located under Settings – General – Site Language)
    2. locate file on server (should be under wp-content/languages/en_GB.po) and edit only needed lines using poedit software and others copy from source text
    3. afrer editing save it under new name and generate .mo file
    4. using poedit and enfold.pot (located in wp-content/themes/enfold/lang) translate only needed lines and leave others blank
    5. after editing save new files under the same name as .po & .mo files for WordPress
    6. go to your WordPress dashbord and under Settings – General – Site Language select entry that corresponds to your naming of the files

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