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  • #1040513

    I am building a site for a company that has two entities, per se. This will dictate the site’s main navigation. I would like to create a static, two-column (split) horizontal menu.

    Here is an example of **exactly what I’d like to do: http://www.boagworld.com**. Two text logos. Two menus. Sticky header. It’s almost as if the header is divided in two columns.

    I’ve found older posts and guides on multiple logos and multiple menus, but not both at once.

    What is the best way to go about this in Enfold?

    Thank you and regards,


    Hey Nicole,

    You can add a widget area to the header and assign a widget to it with the other logo or can make a custom header yourself.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Ok Victoria,

    I’m getting there….with a lot of struggles. Any other suggestions? Like, hide logo and main menu, then create page with 3-column table and use that as header?

    If the widget approach is best, few questions please:
    1) How do I get the right side “GiftTalk.org” to top align with the left?
    2) Need to drop the “&” symbol in between. The logo currently lands there. Suggestions. Can the logo be hidden or replaced with the example sites approach?

    .header-site.header-boagworld:before {
    font-family: sosaregular;
    content: ‘&’;
    font-size: 2em;
    width: 1em;
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -.5em;
    top: 1.45em;
    color: #fff;



    Hi stanbrid,

    The best approach to do this is via child theme, then override/replace enfold’s header.
    Create 3 columns, the 2 columns left and right has width of 45% and center is 10%.
    I think that’s just it, though it’s simple but it’ll take some time to do :(

    Best regards,

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