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  • #23922

    So I’ve created multiple custom post types to have more structure in the cms. Unfortunately this means these galleries will be displayed differently than the Portfolio items (isotope; visual layouting; hover effects; etc.). And as I really like the way the portfolio items are displayed in the Enfold theme, I’d like to keep the styling and functionality consistent across the other custom post types.

    I currently also own the Complete Gallery Manager from, but the styling is very different, even with all of it’s possible settings.

    So my question is, unless I can recycle the portfolio functionality and styling, what do I need to copy to get the same hover effect across the other galleries?

    I hope you’re willing to help me with this.


    It requires some work to copy/duplicate the portfolio grid template for other post types. Depending on your coding skills I’d recommend to hire a freelancer for this task. If you just want to add a hover effect to image links add the “lightbox” class to the link. You can use it like:

    <a href="" class="lightbox">
    <img width="260" height="185" src="">

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