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  • #969884


    I have two questions.

    1.) I have serveral post overviews on (parts of) pages, built with the blog layout and the a search and filter plugin. I want the custom title and read more (created with ACF) in a specific color based on the category they belong to. The posts are created in ALB. The overview pages are generated. in normal enfold blog lay-outs and custom build pages in Search and Filter (see private content for example). In the blog layout I can’t see any category in the code, so I can’t define a color for it in css and in the search and filter I don’t know how to generate this. Can you perhaps help me with this? I can’t find anything in postslider.php where i can change this.

    2.) In the same overviews like mentioned before I want the excerpt (preview of text) show over the post title and image when hovering over the post. Can you put me in the right direction?

    Hope to hear from you soon.



    Hey Happy Enfold User,

    Please try using a masonry element, as you can see in the below example we have used category names to style posts to look different using CSS.

    For instructions to reproduce the same results please check

    Let us know if this helps you :)

    Best regards,

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