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  • #272148

    Hello guys,

    1. I’d like to use the Advanced Layout editor when creating new posts.
    2. If that’s not possible, I’d like to create some sort of a custom layout or a custom template for all the new future posts that I will create – just like I build, save, and later load my own, custom built page templates.

    I have searched the forum and the Google, and found some relevant old topics here: (edit meta.php) (edit meta.php)

    My questions are (short answers will do just fine):
    a) Are the above mentioned methods OK to use with the newest enfold version?
    b) Which one of the two methods is more safe/stable/recommendable – only including “post” in meta.php, or both including “post” in meta.php and also in addition replacing the whole template-builder.php file – the recipe provided by Nick the Spectator (I don’t use the comment boxes, so that particular issue mentioned in that topic is irrelevant to me). I am already aware that any issues rising from such changes get no support.
    c) Should the edited copy of meta.php file have the same folder hierarchy in the child theme as it has in the parent theme?
    d) How big (in percents) are the chances that careful usage of Advanced Layout builder in posts would at least once a year corrupt the whole database?
    e) Any other ways to achieve the same goals – No. 1. or 2. ?
    f) Does Kriesi have setup any date for making this feature default?

    Thanks a lot for putting up with us ignorant civilians..

    Best regards,


    Hey nerkasa!

    1) Unfortunately that isn’t something the theme really supports. You can make the change to allow it to run but we have and will never support any issues that might come from doing that.

    2) You can use shortcodes in your posts to create layouts they would just be more manually created. You can look into other plugins that allow post templates but I don’t know of any off hand as most authors have moved away from doing that kind of thing.

    Editing the file in a child theme will not actually effect the parent. Child theme file hierarchy doesn’t automatically replace every file, it only replaces those that WordPress would recognize as being child replacements.

    For your specifics:
    a+b) You can try them but we have no support for the change.
    c) See above, it would need to be done in the parent or with a custom filter function.
    d) We have never used it ourselves so not sure what could or might happen.
    e) See above with shortcodes.
    f) Never. Posts in general are kept theme modified as little as possible to keep the post data intact so that users aren’t losing their entire WordPress installation when they switch themes. Pages are typically expected to need re-building or editing when switching themes but posts should transition without issue.



    Thanks Devin,

    I appreciate you taking time to answer this.

    Best regards,

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