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  • #1141431

    Hello Enfold-Team,

    today I tried to install some plugins as my site is progressing like: Yeost SEO, Shariff Wrapper, Autoptimize etc.
    However even that all plugins have been deactivated by now Enfold Theme seems not to run properly anymore.

    Since that time even in the Dashboard Enfold seems not to load properly anymore, causing recurring crashes when pressing any button in it. The site however seems to work properly still…That’s the problem I got reported from WordPress:

    An error of type E_ERROR has been caused in row 131 of file /home/www/[….]/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-htmlhelper.php Error message: Out of memory (allocated 23068672) (tried to allocate 184320 bytes)

    Thanks for your advice.


    Hey Moreeez308,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria, here you go.

    I managed to increase the RAM assigned to the SQL database from 256 MB to 512 MB.. It occurs that at the moment this fixes the issue. However as the page is not really loaded with content yet I am a bit worried about how this can happen at such a early state.
    Let me know if anything comes to your mind.
    It would be helpful to know what your expections are in regards to the hosting performance to run Enfold properly in the long run.



    This is what WordPress requires. The content will not have any difference at all.

    Best regards,

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