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  • #306858


    I been testing the Enfold theme for a while and are now planning to switch to Enfold. My plan is to rebuild all pages I have on a developing site I have. Change my existing themes short code to the one Enfold using etc.

    But when I am finished and want to copy every page code to my production site. My plan was just to copy and paste from the default editor on both site. But when I have rebuild or change a page in advanced layout editor, the code are no longer visible in the default editor.

    I have read in this forum that advanced layout editor is saving the content to another database field and after that cannot be seen in the default editor. But you can force the source code to be visible by using the debug mode. Is that a way for me to go or is it another way to copy content from one page to another, on to different sites.



    Hey Peter!

    You can enable debugging mode ( please refer to tutorial here – ) and see the shortcodes of elements you have created using Advanced Layout Builder



    But is it the way to proceed, when I want to transfer code/content from one page to another one?

    Peter Ottingius



    Or you can save templates you have created using Avia Layout Builder and load them on other pages

    Best regards,


    How do I move template between different sites ?

    Peter Ottingius


    Hi Peter!

    Enable Debug Mode on both sited and copy/paste the code in the textarea that will appear below the advanced layout builder.


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