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  • #1422010

    Is it possible to include a custom switch like Google Webfont/Maps/reCaptcha/Vimeo/YouTube at “Other external services” and at the front popup view for a custom external iFrame? I found only the custom cookies in the settings.


    Hey xela,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Are you trying to block an iframe using the default privacy options? Unfortunately, this is not possible out of the box. You may need to look for a third party plugin or a custom script from other developers.

    Best regards,


    We would like to have a new privacy switch for the custom iFrame. We would be able to code our own plugin if there are hooks in the Enfold theme to extend the privacy system.



    Thank you for the update.

    The current implementation of the privacy options are not extensible but if you want to know more how it works, you can find most of the code in the themes/enfold/js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js and the themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php file.

    Best regards,

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