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  • #963970


    I am using the Content Slider on this page:

    On the desktop version the client wants arrow navigation and on mobile they wanted dots instead. I have created a separate Desktop and Mobile version of this element.

    The issue – when I was testing the arrow navigation on mobile the user could swipe left/right to navigate. Now that I am using the dots instead swipe navigation on mobile no longer works.

    Is this a bug or by design? Is there anyway to get swipe navigation to work with the dot navigation?



    Hey Slade,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The swipe trigger is based on the next and previous arrow so the swipe functionality won’t work if these arrows are missing. You have to modify the config-templatebuilder > avishortcodes > contentslider > contentslider.php file to make these arrows display by default regardless of the options. You can toggle the visibility with css. Look for this code around line 66.

    if($navigation == 'arrows') $output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows();

    Replace it with..

    $output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows();

    Best regards,



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