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  • #723052

    we are having a problem with some contents in the tabs of our product page:
    we insert it through a shortcode and it was always visible with all browsers, now it’s visible only with Google Chrome, with other plugins not.
    Can you tell us if it could be a theme problem?

    look at the tabs below: 2.2 – 2.3
    this repeats in all product pages.+



    Hey telemarwa,

    The content doesn’t seem to change when I click on the tabs, is that the problem you are referring to? Please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, no the content wasn’t visible. But then we noticed that it was a database error and so we restored the back up. So now it’s ok!
    Thanks for the answer anyway



    Hi Anna,

    Great, glad you found the problem and thanks for letting us know :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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