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  • #1076976

    Hi There,
    When I make changes to the my pages – after hitting update all new content disappears. I have tried some fixes I have seen on other threads but no luck.

    I am running the latest version of wordpress with latest version of Enfold – Classic Editor is selected in theme options.

    Clearing the cache
    uninstalling all plugins
    reinstalling back up of old wp version
    Using classic editor plugin

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Hey willythompson,

    Thanks for the login details, your problem is likely due to open html markup in your content just before content starts disappearing. Could you look for that please? If you can’t find any then please point out on which page this is happening.

    Best regards,

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    This reply has been marked as private.


    Here’s your problem, you have two opening tags:

    The power of simple <strong>effective security<strong>

    Please close the second tag properly.

    Best regards,

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