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  • #1171803

    I purchased Enfold last week and today sent the first email generated from Mailchimp (through RSS feed). In the email was missing the content (excerpt). The post was created with Avia Layout Builder and the content, before the “read more” tag, was in a text block.

    What can I do to solve my problem?


    I think is missing the content in the the description tag of the RSS feed source:

    This is a post generated with post layout:
    <description><![CDATA[<p>Avrei potuto raccontarvi il 2019 in tanti modi, parlandovi delle nostre avventure, delle emozioni che abbiamo provato, dei tramonti che abbiamo visto o delle persone che abbiamo conosciuto e invece ho deciso di scrivere qualcosa che sia utile anche a voi e quindi parlarvi della nostra più fedele compagna di viaggio: la Lonely Planet. Parto […]</p>
    <p>L’articolo Le Lonely Planet del nostro 2019 proviene da Travel with the wind.</p>

    and this is the post generated with ALB:
    <description><![CDATA[<p>L’articolo Tutto sul Perù: domande e risposte proviene da Travel with the wind.</p>

    Could you tell me how can add the content on the RSS feed continuing to use ALB?


    SOLVED (workaround)
    I sàw that also in the article list (in home page) was also missing the excerpt so I try to put the same text I put in the text block in the WordPress Summary Field and now should be all ok. I have the excerpt in the article list and also in RSS feed source.
    Let me know if there are other solutions.


    Hi Travelwiththewind,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    Yes, when you build pages and post with the Advanced Layout Builder you need to fill out the WordPress Summary Field and it will be shown.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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