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  • #258322


    I would like to know if its possible to add an extra field to the contactform so I can give visitors the option to upload a file if they are trying to contact me. Like this I can recieve their question and documents that go with it.



    Hey rogierkoning!

    I would recommend you to use this plugin –
    as default contact form does not support uploading files and Contact Form 7 does

    Best regards,


    Will contact form 7 display the same forms visually, like setup in Enfold? Or do I need to edit that later?



    No, it will display with the plugins own styling though I believe you can disable its css and it should then inherit most of Enfolds styles though not to the exact same degree as the built in form.

    Best regards,



    I do not know how your contact form looks right now but you can edit fields manually on Contact Form 7 and make it look the same. Please see Contact Form 7 documentation here –


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Yigit. Reason: Thought fields and not styling. Please see Devin's anwer
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