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  • #24026

    Hey guys,

    thanks for your always awesome support.

    After the new release I notice that my contact page does not display my custom sidebar anymore.

    On the contrary, it displays a list of all the dummy pages + Categories + Archive, that I guess is what comes with Enfold when you install and download the dummy data. And it does that regardless of whichever sidebar you choose in the “sidebar setting” drill down menu within the layout widget inside the contact page. Seems like it doesn’t pick up the command.

    I have gone back to Appearance > Widget and double checked that my custom contact page widget was correctly set up, and it was.

    Then I went to the Appearance > Menu, to make sure the custom menu where I have my site’s pages was alright, and it was.

    Yet when I hit save and view the page, it still shows up all your pages, categories and archive when in the back end it says I selected the right widgets/things.

    You can view the page here:

    Any help?

    Besides, I still notice some trouble when saving my work on each page, in the sense that often it doesn’t save the first time. I need to repeat the operation twice or three times before I actually get to see the page saved. No big deal, but a bit time consuming…

    Thank you! I love this theme and think you guys rock!


    PS: Actually, the original sidebar in my contact page used to show the list of my 5 pages (Home, Who We Are, What We Do, Sharing The Secrets (Blog), Contact “+” your default Portfolio and one more of your pages I can’t recall even before this strange behavior, i.e. even before your latest release. I didn’t put too much attention on it, since I thought to deal with it at a later stage, however, now that you can’t see the correct sidebar anymore in the contact page, this has become quite an issue, so I need to fix that asap.


    I was about to make a topic about same thing, it grabs they first sidebar from widget area “Displayed Everywhere”.

    When i put this line in my template file:

    get_sidebar( ‘Homepage’ ); ?>

    (where Homepage is the name of my sidebar)

    It still gets overwritten it seems


    I’m having the same issue.


    I also have the same issue…



    Go to Appearance > Widget, look for the Screen Option, enable accessibility mode. Delete the custom sidebar you created then recreate them. Sometimes the widget settings get stuck.




    Hi Ismael,

    your solution doesn’t work, unfortunately.

    Any clue?





    Try to use this plugin:

    See if the widgets start working.

    NOTE: This will reset your widget to factory settings. You will lose every widgets and all the custom widget areas that you created.




    Yep, I have the same issue too. Can’t change my sidebars at all.



    Yes, sometimes the widgets settings are getting stuck. I don’t know why. Let me tag the rest of the support team.





    Please try the fix from this thread:

    Best regards,




    it doesn’t work even after resetting all the widgets…let me try Peter’ s fix and I’ll report on that ;-)


    Yes! with Peter’s fix it now works! Awesome! Thanks!




    Great :)

    Best regards,


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