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  • #821840

    Hello Enfold Support,
    Hope all is well. Hey, what’s your recommended way to pass the contact form submissions directly to a salesforce account? Is it possibly to add the company ID, campaign ID and possibly some hooks to the enfold contact form so this can work?

    We’re using a child theme and hoping it can be as easy as updating the contact form element php file to create the function of passing the contact form data to our salesforce account.

    Thank you for any help you can provide.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Eric. Reason: added part about our child theme and updating the php file for the contact form element

    Hey Eric,

    Here are some things for you to consider:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria. We really don’t want to add more plugins as we’re already seeing performance hits with the ones we have.

    Zapier also charges $20/month and some others require SalesForce account access when to do this we need only supply company ID and possibly campaign IDs.

    Is updating the contact form element php file not an option?

    For what it’s worth such an integration option would be a huge selling point for any of your themes.

    Normally we’ve used an HTML form generated from SalesForce but it’s very work intensive creating the form in SalesForce and then styling it in the theme with custom CSS ( btw our custom CSS file after 4 years is a beast). If we could have the theme add the hidden fields to your contact form element, my client could quickly create campaigns and landing pages with forms on the fly using your built in contact forms.

    Based on the number of paid plugins and solutions this feature addition could be a BIG selling point for enfold and other Kreisi themes. I’m assuming adding CRM integration features in general woukd add tremendous value.



    Hi Eric,

    Please refer to this post – :)

    If you would like to make changes on your child theme, please refer to this post –

    Best regards,


    Thanks Yigit,
    We’re in the process of updating the contact.php file within the child theme. We’ve created a hidden field element and that’s allowing us to add the company ID for salesforce to pass with the form submission.

    The only issue now is that we’re using the “select element” drop down menu for the form. And with each inquiry type we’re passing a variable to salesforce i.e. a campaign ID so salesforce knows where to route the contact form submission. Currently your contact form element for a dropdown “select element” take comma delimited string of inputs, e.g. “general inquiry, marketing inquiry, press inquiry, sales inquiry…” What we need is the ability to assign a variable to each selection and pass that to salesforce.

    What would you recommend we do to accomplish the above. Is there a relatively easy solution for updating the contact.php file or functions.php file within the child theme?

    Thank you!

    Whatever solution we find works well definitely share with you guys. :)



    You should be able to make key value pairs as following ” option 1|option1, Option 2|option2″ in select fields if that helps :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks! Giving that a try.

    Can you recommend where we can control passing variables in hidden fields to SalesForce?

    We have updated the contact.php file to add the hidden field element to the form but don’t see where the send to option would appear. In past support posts you reference a send.php file although that was a few years ago and it doesn’t seem to exist now. Thanks!



    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,
    Thanks, I do have my developer working on this and yes it’s looking not time or cost effective to hack the theme to do this. Pending your response we’ve relinquished to using contact form 7 and hacking it to integrate its forms with SalesForce.

    We’ll post our solution if it’s something relatively easy to do. Else we’ll hope such a solution is included in future releases of enfold. Btw I did up vote the feature request for enfold. ;)


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Eric.

    Hi E,

    Hope the workaround you’re working on will be successful :) Thanks for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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