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  • #984572


    I’m using Enfold’s Contact Form module on my pages. But I just discovered that it doesn’t work properly, since it’s trying to send the email from the data it gets from the contact form, instead of using the wordpress’s defined default email sender address. So, it causes a policy rejection as expected.

    I’m using sparkpost as the email sender, but I doubt it matters in the end, since the emails should be sent from us, not from the customer’s email address in the end. This is urgent for me, since customer’s can’t send me emails through the contact form.


    Hey mustafaturksavas,

    Here is an article for you to consider

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I really wish that you would read my post before answering. My problem is not in anyway related to that answer. And this is not because I’m doing something wrong or I’m missing something. This is happening because the module was structured wrong. You just can not try to send an email from someone else’s email address, you have to use your own email address to send emails, but the module does the exact opposite.



    I think Victoria referred to the code snippet:

     function change_cf_from() {
        return " (Email address hidden if logged out) ";
    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'change_cf_from', 10);

    Replace (Email address hidden if logged out) with the wordpress’s defined default email sender address and add this code to the child theme functions.php file. The contact form will then use the default email sender address and not the customer email address. This should solve your problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Dude,
    I don’t use a child theme with enfold, if this is the only solution, then I’ll. But the thing I don’t understand is, why it works like it does anyway. Theme shouldn’t be sending emails using other people’s emails, that’s just flat out wrong, that’s why email senders are blocking this approach.



    You can also paste the code into enfold/functions.php or create a custom plugin – you can use this code:

    Plugin Name: Enfold Change From E-Mail
    Description: Replace default contact form from e-mail with admin e-mail
    Version:     1.0
    Author:      InoPlugs
    Plugin URI:
    Author URI:
     function change_cf_from() {
        return " (Email address hidden if logged out) ";
    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'change_cf_from', 10);

    – paste it into a text file, replace (Email address hidden if logged out) with your admin e-mail address and save the text file with a php extension (i.e. name it enfoldcontact.php). Then upload the file to wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plugin (wordpress admin interface > plugins > installed plugins).

    The reason why we decided to set the from tag to the sender e-mail address is the reply workflow. The “Reply-To” e-mail-header tag doesn’t work with all e-mail clients and web-mail providers. If the e-mail is send from the admin e-mail address the reply message will not be send to the customer/sender e-mail address automatically but it will be send to the admin e-mail by default. To avoid this and to make the reply workflow as easy as possible we decided to set the from email-header-tag to the sender e-mail – then the reply message will be send to this e-mail address automatically if you click on “Reply”.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your help and explanation Dude, but I hope you guys change your idea on that workflow in the future.



    Thank you for the feedback – I’ll forward it to the other developers.

    Best regards,

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