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  • #979842


    I am having issues with the way I receive email notifications (I have tried with several accounts). When I check the working order of the different forms in my website they all send an email notification that goes directly to the junk/spam folder in all cases or in the vast majority.

    I have tried with Contact Form 7 and WP forms plug-in and also contacted to my host provider and it seems there is no issues.

    Also tried the SMTP plug-in but no improvements at all.
    I would like to know how to avoid this. It is uncomfortable and impractical.



    Hey Sam,

    I think that is up to the email service you are using, are you using Outlook or something similar for instance?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    yes, I am using Outlook desk app. I tried to mark one of the email notifications as not junk but the following attempts were just like the same. The thing is this is a try for myself to check if notifications are working but the final person will be receiving these in Outlook as well.



    Thanks for the feedback, I think we have had other customers with the same problem before, but I’m not sure if there was ever a solution to it. We can’t really be responsible for how third party email clients and/or servers treat emails coming from websites, but hopefully there is a setting that could be changed in the client which would result in the emails being not treated as spam. Does Outlook have any support which you could turn to maybe?

    Best regards,

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