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  • #28340

    I’m looking to create a coming soon page using the blank template. The image that will be used has space on the right side. Can I add a contact form and or a newsletter sign up in a right side bar? Also would the side bar be transparent or can I make it transparent? Lastly, if I make the custom coming soon page can I still work on the rest of the site in the meantime or do I have to do that elsewhere?



    Create a page with the Color Section element. Disable the header, footer and socket. Inside the Color Section insert two columns. One for the image and the other for the Sidebar element. Go to Appearance > Widget then create a custom widget area. Insert the widgets that you want to show on the Maintenance Mode page. Edit the page again then edit the Sidebar element, select the custom widget that you just created.

    Yes, you can work on the rest of the site while the site on “Maintenance Mode”. Just assign the Maintenance Mode page on Enfold > Theme Options > Frontpage display option for the meantime.

    To learn more about the theme, please watch this videos:



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