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  • #1322067

    Hey guys,

    Have another feature request from a client, that I think would help others as well.

    Currently, when you use the ALB Contact Form element (which we do a LOT), the form itself is reasonably customisable.

    But the email that the form sends is not.

    For instance, currently it sends an email that looks something like this:

    Name: tim
    E-Mail: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    I’m Interested In…: New Website
    URL Of Existing Site:
    Subject: testing

    Message: here’s my message

    Now that’s not too bad for a short and simple form. But for some clients, they want a much more complicated form, and you end up being sent just slabs of text that makes it quite hard to read, such as:

    Field 1: ddfdsfdf
    Field 2:dfdfgfdgfdgfdgfg
    Field 3:dfgfdgfdgfdgfgdfgf
    Field 1: ddfdsfdf
    Field 2:dfdfgfdgfdgfdgfg
    Field 3:dfgfdgfdgfdgfgdfgf
    Field 1: ddfdsfdf
    Field 2:dfdfgfdgfdgfdgfg
    Field 3:dfgfdgfdgfdgfgdfgf
    Field 1: ddfdsfdf
    Field 2:dfdfgfdgfdgfdgfg
    Field 3:dfgfdgfdgfdgfgdfgf
    Field 1: ddfdsfdf
    Field 2:dfdfgfdgfdgfdgfg
    Field 3:dfgfdgfdgfdgfgdfgf

    So my question is – could you add in an element into the form for line breaks in the email? And possibly one for headings as well? Obviously these wouldn’t show up on the front end, but would only control the formatting of the actual email that is sent.

    Thanks a lot for considering it, and if you have any questions please let me know.



    Hey Tim,

    I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement but in general, we recommend using a form plugin for more advanced and complex forms. That being said, I have forwarded your request to our devs and shared this thread as reference :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for forwarding it to the devs.

    Yeah I appreciate that for more complex stuff a plugin might be better. I was just hoping that these two requests (line breaks and headings) wouldn’t be too much hard work, and would make the current form even more useful.

    Thanks for considering it.




    FYI: I added it to the dev repo. Having a quick look at it I think we should be able to add it in one of the next releases.
    I will keep you informed here.

    Best regards,


    Hey Gunter,

    Just tried this out on one of my client sites who will benefit from this, and I have to say a huge thank you, this has been implemented so well. It makes the forms not only look better on the front end, but way more readable on the emails as well. Great job!




    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for your feedback! :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit & Gunter,

    Been using this more and more and loving it, thanks again.

    One small additional request:

    Currently if you have a field, say a Text Area field, and you don’t want anything in the “Form Element Label” section, it still outputs a:

    “: ”

    in the email, as it’s expecting a field name like “Test: “.

    So the resulting email can look like:

    Test: 12345 (this field has a Form Element label of ‘Test’)
    : 12345 (this field has a blank Form Element label)

    But especially now that we can do headings using the new heading elements, can we change the logic to say that if we leave a fields Element Label section blank, that it doesn’t output a “: ” in the email?

    I hope that makes sense.





    Yes, makes absolutly sense. Will have a look into it for next release.
    Thanks for pointing at it.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Best regards,


    Brilliant, thanks Gunter. Enjoy your weekend too.



    This can be closed, thank you.

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