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  • #593950

    Hi, team.

    I’m trying to use the Enfold contact form but it only works sometimes, I mean, I received some emails but it doesn’t deliver all of them. I have tested several times and it doesn’t work for me. Is there any solution for it? I don’t want to use Contact Form 7 (I was using it before enfold contact form but I don’t like it a lot).

    I have checked the memory limit and it is on 64M. I don’t know what to do now!


    Hi DamarisBQ!

    Couple of troubleshooting steps you need to do to find a solution…

    1. test it with email ID’s that end with gmail or yahoo if you get it delivered correctly in inbox.
    2. Test it with email ID’s that end with your for example if you have a website by name test it with and other emails that don’t get delivered to you which domain name it ends with?
    3. Did you check the spam folder?

    Chances are your hosting company is rejecting the emails from selected domain names please check with the hosting company with the information which domain names are not getting delivered to you.

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hi Vinnie,
    I’have the same problem, but in my site the form doesn’t work always. When I submit the form disappear but I don’t see the tag of the sent message, and the mail doesn’t arrive in my mailbox

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