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  • #839838

    Hi Enfold team,

    I have a contact form on this page.
    I have set it to autosresponder text, so the user gets an email after filling out the contact form.

    3 questions regarding that:

    1) how can I change the email header that the person gets? Right now it is set to “danke für deine Nachricht”. the form settings don’t seem to allow me that. (to be clear: I mean the heading of the email the user gets once he sent the contact form. not the email the admin gets when a contact form has been filled out.

    2) the auto responder text is displayed nicely.
    At the bottom of the email, it displays the users input again. And again with a headline I would like to modify. is that possible? (if not, can I make that disappear?)

    3) is it possible to adress the user in the autpresponder text with the value he typed into the name field?

    thank you so much.
    best regards


    Hey Rio1,

    Thank you for coming back.

    There is a filter where you can create a custom autoresponder:

    The contact form is found in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes.php

    Hope, this will help you.

    Best regards,

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