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  • #713314

    I just noticed that with the most recent theme update, the contact form has changed slightly. Now when I select a field in the contact form on my iPhone, the page zooms in slightly. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Thank you.


    Hey djshortkut!

    Does the issue still persists on your end? I tried checking it with iphone 4s but don’t get the zoom effect you are experiencing, the only thing I see is when you are selecting a field, is the outline in the border.



    Yes it does. I am seeing this happen on my iPhone 7 Plus. The outline border is supposed to happen but it zooms in to the page when the field is selected.



    Sorry for the late response, I really couldn’t see any issue on my end, I am using iphone 4s to check the issue. Can you try to add this code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
    	#top .avia_ajax_form .text_input:focus,
    	#top .avia_ajax_form .select:focus,
    	#top .avia_ajax_form .text_area:focus {
    		font-size: 14px !important;

    If this doesn’t work, try deactivating all plugins and check if the zooming still appears.



    The code provided didn’t do anything and neither did deactivating all of the plugins. Here is a screen recording showing what it looks like on my end when the contact form “zooms” in. Thanks.



    That is a browser feature and not theme related. I attached an example site which is using Enfold 3.5.1, you can see the same behaviour :)



    Thanks, you can close this ticket.

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