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  • #1226759


    I’ve got a problem with (what I think is) a conflict between Enfold and the Yoast SEO plugin on a site that I’m supporting.
    The problem occurs when I try to make changes in Yoast on a page in WordPress. When I click the ”Update” button the button deactivates and the ”save circle” begin to spin besides but then nothing happens. It never continues forward and the changes are not saved.

    I’ve run the site in Troubleshooting Mode and I first tried to activate just the Yoast plugin (without Enfold activated), and then it worked fine to save the changes. I then activated the other plugins one at a time and tried to save the changes after every plugin I activated, and it worked fine all the time. It wasn’t until I activated Enfold that the problem occured and that’s why I think it is a conflict between Enfold and Yoast.

    I’ve got the latest versions of WordPress, Enfold and Yoast installed.

    Do you have any idea what causes the problem and how to solve it?

    Kind regards, Isak


    Hi Isak,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Isak,

    Thanks for that. I tried making some changes to the Yoast fields and that worked at first, but when I try to remove something then the problem which you are describing happened. I see that the server is responding with a 403 (forbidden) error on the file in private. Maybe you could try reaching out to your hosting provider to see why that is? Also please try to activate the Classic Editor in the main page of the theme options to see if that changes anything.

    Best regards,



    Are there any risks for changes in the layout when changing to the Classic Editor?
    I haven’t built the website from the beginning so I’m not that familiar with how the theme is working.

    / Isak


    Hi Isak,

    Do you mean Classic Editor as the external plugin, or the option in the main page of the theme options? If the latter then nothing should change in your layouts. I can’t really say what will happen if you use the plugin, but you shouldn’t have to as the functionality already exists in the theme.

    Best regards,


    I meant through the Theme Options. I tried that, but when I then tried to save a page I got “403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access this resource”.

    I’ve contacted our hosting provider so I hope they can help us.

    / Isak


    Hi Isak,

    Thanks for the update. So you are getting a 403 error when you are trying to save a page? If so then it’s likely a security setting on the server which is causing that to happen. Your hosting provider should be able to help you out with that.

    Best regards,



    I just talked to our hosting provider, but they weren’t able to tell exactly what the problem was. They though gave me some ideas of how to maybe solve it:
    • Do you have a list of required PHP settings for the theme to function properly?
    • Do you think that this issue can cause our problem? https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-5-5-issues/377851/

    Kind regards, Isak


    Hi Skotbord,

    Could be. Did you install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin?

    Best regards,



    I have now installed the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin, but it didn’t make any difference.

    When I tried to make changes to a page and then save them, the message in the private field appeared in the servers error log. Are you able to figure out what the problem is from that?

    Kind regards, Isak


    Hi Skotbord,

    ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 You need to write to your hosting provider about the ModSecurity configuration. It’s blocking the Advanced Layout Builder requests.

    Best regards,



    Our hosting provider says that they don’t configure ModSecurity and that our only option in that case is to turn it completely off.

    Are there any risk for layout changes if I turn off the Advanced Layout Builder and do you think that will make any difference in this case?

    Kind regards, Isak


    Hi Skotbord,

    Please have a look at the following thread:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Skotbord,

    Please have a look at the following thread:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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