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  • #1461953

    Hello, I have received a included version of Layerslider WP (which has been upgraede to the 6.6.1 version) with my enfold theme 4.2 release. I want to update the enfold theme to the 5.6.9 release but as soon as I activate the latest release, my layerslider placed above the main menu disappear. And I do not know hot to make it appear again above the main menu. Currently I cannot even retreive where the action should take place to make it appear above the main menu.


    Hey TheMoBrozer,
    Thank you for the link to your site, typically the LayerSlider is added to a page with the Advanced LayerSlider element:
    Enfold Support 6287
    but I see that this is not the case for your site, I also see that the LayerSlider is above your menu, so to achieve this I believe that you have a custom snippet in one of the core theme files, I looked in the expected places but didn’t see it and I don’t see a plugin that may do this, and this is not a default LayerSlider option.
    If you can recall were your custom code is and copy it to your updated theme that would be best. Typically we recommend using a Child Theme so you won’t have this issue when updating.
    If you can’t recall where the custom code is, we may be able to help create some new code, try switching to the latest version 6.1 and activate it and we will try to help.
    If you have more customizations in core theme files, these will be lost when you update so check your site carefully to see if you see any other issues and install a Child Theme so you won’t have this again in the future.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike, sorry for my late answer. I didn’t update my page so din’t saw your reply earlier. Thank You so much for your reply and analysis of the situation. Indeed there’s a code that put the Layerslider over the main menu and this is all the problem – I do not retrieve it. What I’ve retreive is in the quick CSS that clearly shos that there’s somewhere a code to display Easysliders instead of the header:

    /* Home News-Competition Layout*/
    /*Header-Remove Logo and space*/
    /*Logo header */
    .logo { display: none; }
    .responsive .logo img {
    display: none!important;
    So there’s should be somewhere .slide-image CSS that define the proper slider.
    At this point my questions:
    if i switch to a newer version of enfold – as explained the layer slider disappears, so would it be possible to re-display the layer slider with CSS in the quick CSS space only? Question behind is : editing made in the quick CSS enfold wouldn’t affect the 4.2 quick css? Thank You very much for your support.
    Best Christian


    CSS would not be the way to display the LayerSlider, we would use PHP, the css would be used to style the LayerSlider after the PHP, such as to hide the logo in the header. We can do this but since you are not using a Child Theme you could use the WP Code plugin to add the PHP code.
    Since we will need to switch your theme to the one that the LayerSlider is not working in a few times to ensure the PHP code that we add works correctly, do you want to create a staging site so your visitors will not be confused while we work on the site? Did you find any other errors when switching to the new theme?
    I also see that you don’t have the latest theme installed v6.0.1 I only see v5.6.9?

    Most cPanel webhosts have a staging site option, some in the dashboard:
    Others add the option in the Softaculous WordPress Management
    There may be other staging site options in different cPanel servers, these are the two that I have seen.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike, thanks for update and explanations about the process. I have tried to udpate to the latest version of Enfold, but it says that the destination folder allready exist. Any suggestions to solve the issue? Regarding the coding PHP, I’ve aksed to the developper who did the coding for the first version of the website including WP Layerslider on top of menu bar ( 5 to 6 years ago) and he found out some trace of “BROZERMO” coding tagged in the following files template-buider.php or search.php to execute shortcode like [av_layerslider id=…]. I’ll set up a staging website. There are 2 yearly licenses plug-ins Ninja Forms and EventOn. WP Layerslider is the last free udpate activated. Last but not least, what would be the cost for the PHP coding part? Best regards Christian


    I’m glad that you have talked to your developer and learned the placement of the PHP function to execute shortcode like [av_layerslider id=…], but when I checked enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/template-builder.php I didn’t find it, nonetheless this is the type of PHP code that I was talking about.
    It is ok though, I don’t need to see the code used because I would rewrite it to be added to the WP Code plugin, unless you choose to add a Child Theme so the PHP code will be different and you won’t have this issue in the future when you update. There is no additional charge for this, please let us know when the staging site is created.
    Please note that I was recommend that you update the theme to v6.0.2 not updating the LayerSlider plugin, it is bundled into the theme, so you can only update the theme.
    For reference please see our LayerSlider documentation here.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mikle, thank You fior the feedback. To avoid issues later, using the child theme would be wiser – despite I do not really catch what is the difference between both solution as a matter of coding – I’m not a developer / coder. Would you have a step by step child theme installation link to provide? Regarding the theme 6.0.2 I tried to install witout sucess – as I get a message prompting me that the “folder allready exists” – the process stopped. Any idea how to bypass the issue?
    Best regards


    Please see our documentation about using a Child Theme, I see that you have three versions of the theme installed, I assume that you added each into a different directory, is that how you did it?
    Updating the theme is not that important right now, we can move forward with just a staging site.

    Best regards,

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