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  • #1335902

    Hi I have found a compatability problem with Enfold and WooCommerce 6.1 is installed

    When you select use the default WooCommerce 3.0 Image gallery from the shop options tab,

    The image does not display properly and there are multiple console errors.

    On the sites affected I have had to use the Enfold Default Gallery option instead.

    Please can you investigate? Unfortunately I cannot leave a live site not working properly to be able to trouble shoot so I cannot send you a link.



    Thanks for the report!

    I have also noticed the same issue, there were some notices in WooCommerce files however updating the product solve the issue for me. If you are still using the same version, could you please check if that helps?



    I’ll try updating the product and see if it fixes things.

    The only problem with that solution is if it works one of the shops affected has 3000 products!

    The only difference is that it doesnt change the main product image to match the currently selected variation image. Its not a huge issue the Enfold Gallery is fine.


    Im going to try the following
    Bulk edit all products. Mark as Draft, Then Bulk edit Publish again.

    Needs to be done out of hours I think!



    I tried to reproduce the issue once again so I downgraded WooCommerce version to 5.9.0 and I could reproduce the issue there as well so I do not think the issue is specific to WC 6.1.0. Warning is related to WooCommerce file but I will report it to our devs and see if there is anything we can do to avoid it.

    Thanks again for reporting :)

    Best regards,

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