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  • #286511

    I have checked and unchecked all choices there are but nothing happens. No one can comment on my posts, and even if I checked that I want the share buttons for facebook to show under the post, it does NOT show. I also just want the post date to display, not author or number of comments. I have unchecked these choices as well, but NOTHING happens. I really don’t know what to do. Please help, I’m going crazy!



    I was able to make a comment on one of your posts:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I was able to comment on your post – http://i.imgur.com/FEkC5OV.png and it seems like everything works as expected :)
    To remove the slash after the date, please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .text-sep-date {
    display: none;



    Ok. Thanx

    Another question: When I post a blog there is a thumbnail pic of a pen beside the post. Can I change that thumbnail to one of my own pics, and if not, can I remove it?


    Ok. I see there is a code, but I’m afraid I’m not Zuckerberg. Where and how to I use that code? Sorry but to mee that’s chineese :)



    Which font would you like to use?
    You can remove it using following code in Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .template-blog .blog-meta, .post_author_timeline { display: none !important; }

    Best regards,


    Aha! I know where that is :). Ok, but can I remove the theme pic and replace it with a picture from lets say my media library? If you how do I put that in that code?



    If you would like to use image, please add following code to Quick CSS and change the link to your image ( 80x80px )

    .small-preview .iconfont {
    background: url(https://www.cadtutor.net/tutorials/autocad/all_about_images/tile.jpg);
    .small-preview .iconfont:before {
    display: none;



    Hmm, I inserted this in shortcode but nothing happend:

    .small-preview .iconfont {
    background: url( http://www.aminne.nu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/thumb1.png);
    .small-preview .iconfont:before {
    display: none;



    Can you post the link to your blog page? I could not find it, sorry


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    Done. Please review your website now. If you would like to change the background color from gray to some other color, please use following code

    .rounded-container .iconfont { background-color: white !important; }


    This reply has been marked as private.


    :D You are welcome, glad if i could help! You too have a nice weekend! Let us know if you have any other questions :)

    Best regards,

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