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  • #1138546

    I’m stumped
    My site looks good on opera and Microsoft Edge. But on Chrome, all of the COLUMNS are shoved together in the middle…actually, all of my text, even in the full width easy slider.

    I turned off all plugins. Everything looks good again.
    If I turn on ANY PLUGIN …it goes back to looking horrible.

    I need access to plugins…so can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? is there some setting somewhere that is doing this? Or, is it an unknown glitch in Enfold? Please find a fix. Most people view the site in chrome.



    It appears it is because of the FULL SCREEN EASY SLIDER.
    When I delete that…all of the settings work fine.
    I’m creating a work around to this using the FULL SCREEN SLIDER …and adjusting the size of my images prior to uploading.

    Is there a known glitch int he FULL SCREEN EASY SLIDER?



    Hi grivers99,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,

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