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  • #840034


    I am trying to create a grid out of columns with borders and with no space between checked. You can see the idea in the attached link. It is fine except that I want the borders to all be 1px but when two columns join the border becomes 2px. Is there a way to change this so they all appear the same width.

    many thanks



    Hey envapk2,

    Can you try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top .flex_column_table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        margin-bottom: -1px;

    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko
    Thanks, that works perfectly. For a mobile version I want to hide this section and have a section with just one column of boxes but again all joined with 1px borders. I have tried putting a mobile section to the previous page link but the columns don’t join and if they did they would be double width.

    many thanks



    Hi Peter,

    Can you try adding this css code in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #top .flex_column_table .av_one_full {
        margin-bottom: 0 !important;

    Also, this code would apply globally and not on this page, let us know if you want it to be specific, you might want to use Custom CSS Classes.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko

    That works perfectly. Great support as ever.

    many thanks




    I’m glad you were able to get this fixed. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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