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  • #1395681

    Good evening,
    I have some troubles with a color section in my website
    the color section with the form at the bottom of two pages has an error in the front end and sometimes it disappears even from the backend.

    in the rest of the pages that section is ok.
    I already tried to speak with the registrar and they told me that is not a server problem.
    i also create a new page but the problem is still there.



    Hey ste860,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I send you the link.
    please check the two pages “PRRC” and “MANDATARIO EUROPEO” cause are the ones that have the problems.
    thank you.


    Thanks for the login on your /prrc-dispositivi-medici/ page you had 3 special headings with strong tags in the title field that were not closed breaking the page layout:
    This is why the theme warns about using HTML tags in the title fields and points to our documentation and a special plugin, please be very careful.
    I tried to correct the error and was able to restore the layout but for some reason the grid cell background image and color didn’t restore, I thought it might be due to caching so I disabled your two caching plugins but that didn’t help, but I was able to create a new page and the grid cell background image and color did restore.
    You may need to delete the original page and use the new page.
    I checked your /mandatario-europeo/ page and it had the same problem, I was able to restore the layout but not the last grid cell background image and color, but I created a new page for it and it works correctly, You may need to delete the original page and use this new page also.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    thanks for the help, it seems ok now, but I face a new issue in the homepage with the first title and subtitle “QUALITÀ E AFFARI REGOLATORI….”
    in the backend, it’s set in white and when I see the preview it’s ok, but after a refresh it becomes grey.
    I tried to change the section from special title to text block, but the problem doesn’t fix.

    regarding the cache plugin, can I install it again, cause I maybe need it to speed up the website.



    When I check it is white:
    Try logging out and using an incognito window.
    You can enable the cache again but it might take a while for the cache to clear, for best results only enable the cache after you have finished your site.

    Best regards,

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