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  • #188140

    I was wondering if it’s possible to sub divide the Color Section into 2 different colored areas? I want 2/3 to be orange and the last 1/3 to be white both with text over them. I tried to assign CSS id to text boxes and then ‘fake’ it with padding. This looks ok on desktop but messes up the responsiveness of the text on small screens. Any help on this would be appreciated. Seems like such a simple thing. I’m not hugely experienced with WordPress. Do I need to add custom html? If so where do I do that? Thanks!


    Hey current162!

    No, this isn’t currently supported. Your best route would be to use a background image on a color section and have it attached at middle middle. Otherwise you could look into a freelance developer to try and do the customization via some very specific css but even then I’m not sure if it would be doable without some pretty rough hacks.


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