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  • #925832

    I updated to Enfold 4.2.6 on WordPress 4.9.4 and it makes the background video show as a tiny thumbnail on the top, with the spinner animation going nonstop in the middle. I tried this solution:

    #top .mejs-container {
        max-height: none !important;

    The above was suggested here:

    …but all that did for my video is make the whole background black. I’m using the latest Chrome browser.


    Hey Josh,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Sure. Sent the staging site creds in private content.


    By the way, this is the 3rd time that an update has broken our design, even though we were careful to separate our customizations to a child theme or the WP Customizer. I’m very close to going with another vendor later on because I expect better quality control.



    We are very sorry for the troubles that this issue may have caused you. Our developers are already aware of it and a fix is going to be included in the upcoming patch. Unfortunately, the said fix are not working in your installation. Please update the header.php file in the child theme. Did you modify any files aside from the header.php file?

    Best regards,


    Here’s a repo of my child theme:



    You need to use the latest version of the header.php file and remove the functions-enfold.php file from the child theme. Let us know if that helps.

    Best regards,



    I have the same problem in the latest versions of WP + Enfold
    See my website



    : Have you tried disabling the plugins? Please create a new thread and post the login details in the private field. We’ll check it there.

    Best regards,

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