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  • #1209339


    First of all – great theme, possibly the best one. And secondly fantastic support!

    Now, I have tried to solve this issue with the people responsible for this code, but we couldn’t find the solution. Than, I thought, maybe some of you guys would have an idea since you basically solved most of the problems I had while using Enfold theme.

    I am working on the website, restaurant that accept online orders through Gloriafood online ordering system. I got this piece of code from them to implement as online ordering button:

    <!– If you would like to customize the button, remove or change the “class” attribute inside the <span> tag –>
    <span class=”glf-button” data-glf-cuid=”9461a941-35b6-4a22-bc0a-583a3fccdea4″ data-glf-ruid=”24e08988-acb5-4a57-a1dd-f329de1b2009″ style=”background-color: #9a242c; letter-spacing: 0.05em”> SPEISEKARTE & Bestellung</span>
    <script src=”; defer async ></script>

    And this works when I use Enfolds Code Block element to show this button, as you can see at the page. After clicking to this button I get some kind of pop-up window with menu and online ordering system.

    But, now I would like to add this link to the menu item as a custom link, and also to one image. I got this link:

    The problem is that this link is opening new page in the same window and tab and thus navigating away from the website.

    Is there a possibility to open this link – when added to the menu item or image, or even text – to open inside it’s own pop-up window above the page (much like Lightbox Modal Window) and not to navigate away from the current page? Or maybe there is the possibility to ad Custom Code element to the button, image, etc.



    Hey Simijonovic,

    Glad you enjoy using Enfold :)

    You can go to Appearance > Menu and add a custom link to the menu:
    Image 2020-05-04 at 20.49.31.png
    Add this link and use any text that you like. You can even style it as a button later.

    Image 2020-05-04 at 20.49.10.png
    Image 2020-05-04 at 20.51.02.png

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    That worked, thank you.
    Is there a way to change the height of the light-box? Because now the menu is hardly visible, and ordering is difficult.


    Nevermind, I have found this. and it works for now:

    .mfp-iframe-scaler {
    min-height: 888px;


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Simijonovic.

    Hi Ivan,

    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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