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  • #496671

    Here’s the website:

    The play button has a video I made for the client and when I add the “?rel=0” to the youtube link using the advanced layout editor (Avia Layout Builder), it doesn’t work, related videos are still showing up at the end of the youtube video. I can’t seem to find a solution and I figure instead of wasting many more hours on this, perhaps someone here has a solution.

    (The video is linked with an icon from the Content Elements tab in the Layout Builder)


    Hey canadianjohnson!

    Please try using this plugin –



    I tried this already, am I doing something wrong because it doesn’t seem to be working. I just reactivated the plugin to try again. Maybe it works on your end? I did a hard refresh of the page but still nothing. Any ideas?



    Can you please post the link of YouTube video you would like to use in private content field so we can test?



    Here you go.

    Thanks so much for your help so far!



    Apparently it does not work when used in lightbox. Sorry about that

    Best regards,


    There is no way to add ?rel=0 to the lightbox? Sorry if I am confused about this because it seems like such a simple issue.


    So adding it to the jquery.magnific-popup.min.js as described here:

    seemed to work. I just used Filezilla (took me a while to figure out how to use it but it worked). Thanks for trying to help! If anyone else wants to fix this issue I recommend downloading Filezilla and changing the file as explained in the above link. Here is the comment that helped:


    Unfortunately the magnific popup plugin is quite limited when it comes to youtube urls. The embed url is harcoded in the js source code and you can not change it with the video element or wordpress settings. If you want to add additional parameters like the rel=0 parameter open up wp-content/themes/enfold/js/aviapopup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js and search for:

    Add your custom parameters to this url – i.e. like:

    and save the jquery.magnific-popup.min.js file. Afterwards the lightbox should load the right player based on the parameters you added to the url.

    Best regards,



    Glad you figured it out and thank you for sharing your solution :)
    If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread


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